The Interdependence of Science and Business

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The Interdependence of Science and Business

Science has been at the heart of a lot of the important technological advancements around the globe. From new treatments for cancer and energy production, to computer chip technology. But while innovation is what drives science, business is focused on making money and keeping shareholders satisfied. Science and business were traditionally considered to be two separate realms. They are both interconnected and it’s impossible to separate their impact on business from the effect of research.

While businesses are focused on profit, the long-term ramifications of its decisions can be significant for the environment, social and economic consequences. Science is equally concerned about the effects of its decisions, especially its decisions regarding resource exploitation and sustainable development. A wise business would, for instance, exploit a resource at the level that is scientifically sustainable. But greedy businesses have led to a frenzied use of natural resources and ecological catastrophe.

We have categorised the various ways that corporations try to influence science at the macro and meso levels, and then coded the intended outcomes and consequences of these strategies (TL performed the initial codification, AG second-coded 20 per percent of papers). We found that companies employ five macro-level strategies to decrease the perceived credibility of unfavourable research findings and increase the credibility of favorable scientific findings. These strategies are enacted by meso strategies that in time, can skew the evidence base to the favor of industry. This can result in three distal results: to cast doubt on the potential harms caused by industry-related products and practices, promote policies that favor industry and to increase the use, consumption, and sales of industry products and services – thereby increasing profits for corporations.

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